Who We Are...
At Brainshop, we believe that curiosity is innate, passion is the fuel, and learning is the spark. We are a full service consultancy specializing in education initiatives. Our passion is and always has been teaching & learning, and our experience lives in this unique little niche somewhere between the classroom and the boardroom. We are teachers, media experts, strategists, and our speciality is connecting classrooms with compelling resources and organizations looking to make an honest impact on the future. Are you one of those organizations? Let's hope so, because this is important stuff!
What We Do...
Initiative and Partnership Development
Connecting classrooms with issues and skills-based resources...that are interesting, and fun and useable!
Whether you are a non-profit or a Fortune 500 company, you likely have a community engagement or youth empowerment strategy. From connecting students to the concepts and careers of the future to shedding light on global issues, we're here to assist you in telling your unique story in a powerful way.
Program Management and Activation
Turning ideas into IMPACT
Do you have a cause or an education initiative that you are trying to get off the ground? We've been there...A LOT. We'd like to leverage our lessons learned together with our community of thinkers, makers and teachers for your next project. Click below for more details on how we can help bring your youth empowerment initiative to life for America's classrooms.
Education Marketing
B2B and B2C for the K12 Space
If you are an organization dedicated to K12 education (like us), and you have practical or cutting-edge solutions designed for classroom success, we want teachers to know about you! Let's work together to build a plan that will cut through the noise and get you to the head of the class - with honors!